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  • Authors: Ian Kerner
  • Authors: John Mason
  • Authors: John Mason
  • Authors: John Mason
  • Authors: John Mason
  • Authors: Murty Sudha
  • Authors: Puneet Singh Rawat
  • Authors: Scott H. Young

future-proof your career and maximise your competitive advantage by learning the skill necessary to stay relevant, reinvent yourself and adapt to whatever the workplace throws your way in this essential guide. Faced with tumultuous economic times and rapid technological change, staying ahead in your career depends on Continual learning a lifelong mastery of new ideas, subjects and skills

Price ₹149.00

धन इसलिए जमा करना चाहिए कि उसका सुदपयोग किया जा सके और उसे सुख एवं सन्तोष देने वाले कामों में लगाया जा सके, किन्तु यदि जमा करने की लालसा बढ़कर तृष्णा का रूप धारण कर ले और आदमी बिना धर्म-अधर्म का ख्याल किए पैसा लेने या आवश्यकताओं की उपेक्षा करके उसे जमा करने की कंजूसी का आदी हो जाय तो वह धन धूल के बराबर है ।

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प्राणायाम से आधि-व्याधि निवारण का संछिप्त विवरण : प्राणायाम शब्द के दो खंड है – एक ‘प्राण’ दूसरा ‘आयाम’ है। प्राण का मोटा अर्थ है- जीवन तत्व और आयाम का अर्थ है-विस्तार। प्राण शब्द के साथ प्राण वायु जोड़ा जाता है। तब उसका अर्थ नाक द्वारा साँस लेकर फेफड़ों में फैलाना तथा उसके ऑक्सीजन अंश को रक्त के माध्यम से समस्त शरीर में पहुँचाना भी होता है। यह प्रक्रिया शरीर को जीवत रखती……..

Price ₹16.00

Doing What Others Say Can't Be Done... Best-selling author John Mason captures inspirational truth in bite-sized nuggets, a format easy to remember and apply to life s issues, large and small. Every page is packed with practical wisdom and sound advice. You ll always miss 100 percent of the shots you don t take.

Price ₹260.00

 Here, There and Everywhere is a celebration of her literary journey and is her 200th title across genres and languages. 

Winner of the R.K. Narayan Award for Literature, the Padma Shri, the Attimabbe Award from the government of Karnataka for excellence in Kannada literature, and the Raymond Crossword Lifetime Achievement Award, her repertoire includes adult non-fiction, adult fiction, children's books, travelogues and technical books.

Price ₹130.00
The inspiring true stories of the interesting people who inhabit the pages of Sudha Murty's books leave an indelible impression on us. But the books are able to chronicle the stories of only the men and women Mrs Murty has actually come across herself in the course of her social work. 
Price ₹150.00

The two men are bound by the same dilemma and the same complexity of emotions. The core interest of the book is in exploring if it is really possible to come to terms with a reality as blaring and as deceiving as that of Venkatesh and Mukesh.

Price ₹130.00