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  • Authors: Atul Yadav
  • Authors: Atul Yadav
  • Authors: David Mitchell
  • Authors: David Mitchell
  • Authors: Fabio Nelli
  • Authors: Ian Kerner

Reclaim Your Financial Freedom- A practical guide to enhance earning, boost saving, improve investing, and enjoy the freedom

The second book of the Reclaim Life series shows you a way out of the hedonic treadmill to a life that is free and happy. With anecdotes, practical suggestions, personal experience, established research, the book gives advice that can be incorporated in one's daily life.

Price ₹200.00

धन इसलिए जमा करना चाहिए कि उसका सुदपयोग किया जा सके और उसे सुख एवं सन्तोष देने वाले कामों में लगाया जा सके, किन्तु यदि जमा करने की लालसा बढ़कर तृष्णा का रूप धारण कर ले और आदमी बिना धर्म-अधर्म का ख्याल किए पैसा लेने या आवश्यकताओं की उपेक्षा करके उसे जमा करने की कंजूसी का आदी हो जाय तो वह धन धूल के बराबर है ।

Price ₹0.00

प्राणायाम से आधि-व्याधि निवारण का संछिप्त विवरण : प्राणायाम शब्द के दो खंड है – एक ‘प्राण’ दूसरा ‘आयाम’ है। प्राण का मोटा अर्थ है- जीवन तत्व और आयाम का अर्थ है-विस्तार। प्राण शब्द के साथ प्राण वायु जोड़ा जाता है। तब उसका अर्थ नाक द्वारा साँस लेकर फेफड़ों में फैलाना तथा उसके ऑक्सीजन अंश को रक्त के माध्यम से समस्त शरीर में पहुँचाना भी होता है। यह प्रक्रिया शरीर को जीवत रखती……..

Price ₹16.00

Discover the key principles and practices that will unlock your inner creative genius with "Reclaim Your Creativity." In this captivating guide, acclaimed author and creativity expert, Atul Yadav, takes you on an exhilarating journey through the realms of imagination, innovation, and personal growth.

Price ₹170.00
What's wrong with calling a burglar brave? Why are people so f***ing hung up about swearing? Why do the asterisks in that sentence make it okay? Why do so many people want to stop other people doing things, and how can they be stopped from stopping them?
Price ₹400.00
As facts are downgraded to opinions, as customers are preyed upon by algorithm-wielding websites, voters by targeted lies, cinema-goers by superheroes and children by measles, it is probably socially irresponsible even to try to cheer up
Price ₹400.00

A high-level overview of extracting data from including files, databases, and the web.DescriptionNo matter how large or small your dataset is, the author 'Fabio Nelli' simply used this book to teach all the finest technical coaching on applying Pandas to conduct data analysis with zero worries.Both newcomers and seasoned professionals will benefit from this book. It teaches you how to use the pandas library in just one week. 

Price ₹899.00