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  • Authors: Avishek Nag
  • Authors: Ian Kerner
  • Authors: Logan Ury
  • Authors: Robin Sharma

Have you ever looked around and wondered, “Why has everyone found love except me?” You’re not the only one. Great relationships don’t just appear in our lives—they’re the culmination of a series of decisions, including whom to date, how to end it with the wrong person, and when to commit to the right one. 

Price ₹150.00

धन इसलिए जमा करना चाहिए कि उसका सुदपयोग किया जा सके और उसे सुख एवं सन्तोष देने वाले कामों में लगाया जा सके, किन्तु यदि जमा करने की लालसा बढ़कर तृष्णा का रूप धारण कर ले और आदमी बिना धर्म-अधर्म का ख्याल किए पैसा लेने या आवश्यकताओं की उपेक्षा करके उसे जमा करने की कंजूसी का आदी हो जाय तो वह धन धूल के बराबर है ।

Price ₹0.00

प्राणायाम से आधि-व्याधि निवारण का संछिप्त विवरण : प्राणायाम शब्द के दो खंड है – एक ‘प्राण’ दूसरा ‘आयाम’ है। प्राण का मोटा अर्थ है- जीवन तत्व और आयाम का अर्थ है-विस्तार। प्राण शब्द के साथ प्राण वायु जोड़ा जाता है। तब उसका अर्थ नाक द्वारा साँस लेकर फेफड़ों में फैलाना तथा उसके ऑक्सीजन अंश को रक्त के माध्यम से समस्त शरीर में पहुँचाना भी होता है। यह प्रक्रिया शरीर को जीवत रखती……..

Price ₹16.00

 For over 10 years, author Robin Sharma studied the strategies of people who have achieved lasting personal, professional and spiritual success. From leading CEOs, elite athletes and wildly successful entrepreneurs in the Himalayan Mountains of the East, he searched for peak performers who had created lives filled with prosperity, passion and peace.

Price ₹220.00

The Leader Who Had No Title is a motivational novel written by one of the world's most highly respected leadership experts Robin Sharma.

 For more than fifteen years, Robin Sharma has been quietly sharing with Fortune 500 companies and many of the super-rich a success formula that has made him one of the most sought-after leadership advisers in the world.

Price ₹200.00

A Manifesto For Everyday Greatness In The Little Black Book for Stunning Success, Robin Sharma – one of the true masters of leadership + elite performance on the planet – shares the potent insights that have helped so many people just like you do legendary work, live remarkable lives and lift everyone around them in the process.

Price ₹230.00

The Mastery Manual is packed with real-world ideas and practices that will get you to world-class quickly.

The book comprises 36 life-changing modules, each of which will help you take your business and your life to the next level.

Price ₹200.00

The book will be divided into chapters based on primary Machine Learning topics like Classification, Regression, Clustering, Deep Learning, Text Mining, etc. The book will also explain different techniques of putting Machine Learning models into production-grade systems using Big Data or Non-Big Data flavors and standards for exporting models.

Price ₹849.00